February 9, 2025
February 9, 2025

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The day before the election is here. Our SurveyFever.com tracking study followed the seven targeted swing states for President and the eight toss-up states in the US Senate. With the final study now completed we are ready to project winners for tomorrow’s races in our weekly tracking studies. Donald Trump has gained strength each week that we have conducted the studies. That momentum continues. Trump should win the targeted swing states of Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

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Standing Up For Our Values

This past week I wrote a short note to some neighbors requesting that they consider removing their front yard Halloween display that has a witch lowering a little girl headfirst into a boiling cauldron of water. The thrust of the note was that some things simply are not funny or cute, and should not be shown to children as if they were. So that led me to thinking about couple of “popular” songs which, for many years, I have shunned for the same reason.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The Trump momentum continues to gain support in the swing states but is slowing down. Trump/Vance now lead Harris/Walz in five of the seven targeted swing states according to SurveyFever.com. The remaining states of MI and WI are virtually tied at 48 all. Trump is now ahead according to the most recent polling in Pennsylvania by 49 to 47.5, a strong movement from last week. Trump is now in position to gain control of the Electoral College and surpass the 270 Electoral votes needed for the win.

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A Threshold of Respect

  The theme of this column is treating all people with a threshold of respect.  So I begin by adding one more story about my wonderful and even heroic father, Federal District Judge William P. Gray.  (I hope you remember and utilize his comment that “You have every right to disagree, but you have no right to be disagreeable.”)  But this new story is as follows: Many years ago my father was asked if he would agree to take a tour of the Federal Correctional Facility at Lompoc, California.  Naturally he agreed, and he took my mother with him.  While he was there the warden told him that, coincidentally, there would be a talent show later that afternoon presented by some of the inmates, so would they like to attend?

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Effectively Reducing Homelessness

While on my recent vacation I read a book written by four members of the Pacific Research Institute (PRI) entitled NO WAY HOME: The Crisis of Homelessness and How to Fix It with Intelligence and Humanity (Encounter Books). And the title says it all. In that regard I hope you agree with me that having such a large homeless population is a blight upon who we are as a country. All lawful residents in our country should have a place of shelter for themselves and their possessions. But today California alone has more than 150,000 people who are homeless. Why?

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The Trump momentum continues to close the gap on the swing states. Trump/Vance are now leading Harris/Walz in five of the seven targeted swing states according to SurveyFever.com. The remaining states of MI and PA are both tied at 48 all. Trump has now taken the lead and is in position to surpass the 270 Electoral votes needed for the win. We have watched a steady movement of support by Trump each week of the tracking study.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The day before the election is here. Our SurveyFever.com tracking study followed the seven targeted swing states for President and the eight toss-up states in the US Senate. With the final study now completed we are ready to project winners for tomorrow’s races in our weekly tracking studies. Donald Trump has gained strength each week that we have conducted the studies. That momentum continues. Trump should win the targeted swing states of Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The Trump momentum continues to gain support in the swing states but is slowing down. Trump/Vance now lead Harris/Walz in five of the seven targeted swing states according to SurveyFever.com. The remaining states of MI and WI are virtually tied at 48 all. Trump is now ahead according to the most recent polling in Pennsylvania by 49 to 47.5, a strong movement from last week. Trump is now in position to gain control of the Electoral College and surpass the 270 Electoral votes needed for the win.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The Trump momentum continues to close the gap on the swing states. Trump/Vance are now leading Harris/Walz in five of the seven targeted swing states according to SurveyFever.com. The remaining states of MI and PA are both tied at 48 all. Trump has now taken the lead and is in position to surpass the 270 Electoral votes needed for the win. We have watched a steady movement of support by Trump each week of the tracking study.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The Trump momentum continues. Trump/Vance are now leading Harris/Walz in four of the seven targeted swing states according to SurveyFever.com. The remaining states of WI, MI and PA are all within a narrow one-point percentage. If Trump can take the lead in any one of these three remaining targeted swing states, he will surpass the 270 Electoral votes needed for the win.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

Looking at this week’s tracking study, the momentum for Trump has continued. In particular North Carolina, which showed a major change of direction as Trump has now taken the lead in that state. Nevada has been added to the Presidential tracking study this week, with Trump ahead in Nevada. The Trump/Vance ticket leads in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina. Of the remaining targeted swing states Harris/Walz lead in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In the US Senate races there has been no major movement in the toss-up states.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

For this week of the Jack News sponsored SurveyFever.com tracking studies we see the Michigan race for President tighten. Harris has a slight half a point advantage over Trump. In both Arizona and Georgia Trump has grown stronger to increase his lead over Harris beyond the margin of error. Harris does remain ahead in four of the targeted swing states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina. Republican Senate candidates continue to stay strong with their positions in Montana and West Virginia.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

This week’s tracking study was consistent with the previous week for the Jack News sponsored SurveyFever.com studies. Trump shows strength in two of the six targeted swing states, while Harris maintains her position in the other four. Trumps support in Arizona and Georgia has remained consistent after capturing the lead in those two states several weeks ago. Harris is maintaining her ground in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

Donald Trump’s momentum continues during the fourth week of the Jack News sponsored SurveyFever.com tracking study. Trump is leading in two of the six targeted swing states, Arizona and Georgia. Harris leads in the other four targeted swing states. Although Harris’s lead is within the margin of error in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Republican Senate candidates have increased their leads in Montana and West Virginia. Winning those two states could upset the majority balance to favor the Republicans in the Senate.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

Donald Trump is back on top in Georgia, by one percent, but the larger story is all of the tracked Presidential races are narrowing to within the margin of error, except North Carolina. This shows a slight move in Trump’s direction this last week across the board. In our tracked US Senate races there are two states being led by a Republican candidate, West Virginia and Montana. If these two states go Republican in November, that might be enough to change the majority in the US Senate. Where the Democrats currently lead by 51 to 49 for the Republicans.

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Survey Fever Public Reports

The second week of the Jack News sponsored tracking study by SurveyFever.com shows some change. The Georgia Presidential race is now neck and neck. Whereas last week Trump was ahead slightly. In all other tracked states Harris maintains the lead. In the US Senate race in West Virginia, the Republican has doubled his lead to ten points. Justice leads the Democrat Manchin, 47% to 37%. The Montana Senate race has tightened up as the Republican Sheehy has dropped his lead by a half a point to 46%, with 44.5% for the Democrat Tester.

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Started in 2016, the Jack News provides a pragmatic look at political discussion with some satire. An independent journalistic endeavor, we have no ties to other media outlets or services. We write our own commentary and form our own opinions. 

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