February 8, 2025
February 8, 2025

Public Reports

Public Reports

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

      For this week of the Jack News sponsored SurveyFever.com tracking studies we see the Michigan race for President tighten. Harris has a slight half a point advantage over Trump. In both Arizona and Georgia Trump has grown stronger to increase his lead over Harris beyond the margin of error. Harris does remain ahead in four of the targeted swing states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina.

      Republican Senate candidates continue to stay strong with their positions in Montana and West Virginia. Winning those two states could upset the majority balance to favor the Republicans in the Senate. Not much movement in the other targeted tossup Senate states that we are tracking.

Presidential Tracking

StateResultsNet ResultChange From
Previous Week
AZHarris 45%
Trump 49%
Trump +4Harris +0
Trump +1
GAHarris 45%
Trump 49.5%
Trump +4.5Harris -0.5
Trump +0.5
MIHarris 48.5%
Trump 48%
Harris +0.5Harris +0
Trump +1
NCHarris 48.5%
Trump 43.5%
Harris +5Harris +0
Trump +0.5
PAHarris 49%
Trump 46%
Harris +3Harris +0.5
Trump +1
WIHarris 49%
Trump 47.5%
Harris +1.5Harris +1
Trump +0.5

Senate Tracking

StateResultsNet ResultChange From
Previous Week
AZGallego 48%
Lake 43%
Gallego +5Gallego +0
Lake +0
MISlotkin 47.5%
Rogers 42%
Slotkin +5.5Slotkin +0.5
Rogers +0
MTTester 45%
Sheehy 49%
Sheehy +4Tester +0
Sheehy +1
NVRosen 47.5%
Brown 38.5%
Rosen +9Rosen +0
Brown +0
OHBrown 48%
Moreno 43%
Brown +5Brown -1.5
Moreno +0.5
PACasey 47.5%
McCormick 44%
Casey +3.5Casey +0.5
McCormick +1
WVManchin 39%
Justice 49%
Justice +10Machin +3
Justice -1
WIBaldwin 49%
Hovde 43.5%
Baldwin +5.5Baldwin +0
Hovde +0.5

Tracking Methodology: Survey Fever collects survey data for its publicly released tracking studies using a combination of methods. For each study, one third of the surveys are collected using automated dialing systems, one third utilize online methods and one third utilize live phone interviewers. Sample for the automated and live interview calling is derived from RDD created files. Sample for the online survey portion utilizes interviewer panels. Respondents are qualified by answering as registered voters and answering as likely or highly likely to vote in the upcoming election. Studies are conducted in English. All studies are fielded 3-4 days prior to the date they are released. Studies are balanced by gender, age, political party, ethnicity, congressional district and other factors. Independent and third-party candidate options are included in the questionnaires, but the results are not released in the findings unless a given candidate’s support exceeds 3%. Each study consists of 700 registered voters, with a MOE of 3.7, at a 95% confidence level.

These polls are being sponsored by jacknews.net in connection with surveyfever.com.

Additional information available at www.surveyfever.com/public-reports

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