In my view, the most dangerous threat to our safety and security is not the possibility of being invaded by another country, terrorist actions by any of the world’s radical elements, climate change or even nuclear war. Instead, the greatest threat facing the safety of our country is a weak national economy. Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and the Ottoman Empire were really not conquered by external forces. Instead, they overspent themselves to death and their economy imploded. That is a major lesson in history, and the Government of the United States of America has not learned that lesson. All unproductive expenditures of the federal government must be eliminated, and Congress should not be allowed during peacetime to spend any money unless it designates where that money will come from. These are matters of our nation’s security!
How can this be done? Well, we as taxpayers and voters must demand that our government return to financial responsibility — in every respect, big and small. For example, I received a really expensive brochure “Report to the District” from my congressman some years ago – naturally prepared at taxpayer expense. (You probably have received some of those as well.) Okay, fine, all congressional representatives do it. But that is no excuse. It had to have cost a lot of taxpayer money. So I sent him a letter and suggested that, if such a report was necessary at all, it be provided in the form of a simple and inexpensive letter. To his credit he wrote back personally and said that I would never again see such a mailing from him. (I took this as a positive sign, but maybe that means that I was simply taken off his mailing list.)
Fundamentally, it is up to us all to monitor all of our government’s spending. Every line item in our federal budget must be scrutinized as publicly as possible and the size of the federal bureaucracy must be reduced. This will materially reduce government spending. People must understand that government does not itself produce wealth. Instead it detracts from it by taking wealth from others. We can and must do better. We can regain our economic strength without withdrawing from our military and other obligations. But we must have a change in thinking and a change in approach. And it begins with us. You and I must cause that change to take place, for our Great Nation’s security!
Okay, the above three paragraphs were taken from pages 85 to 86 of my own book: ALL RISE! The Libertarian Way with Judge Jim Gray (Histria Books, 2020). But I am writing this edition of 2 Paragraphs on the 4th of July, and I still mean every word!
Question for the week: How does the Man in the Moon cut his hair? Answer: Eclipse it. . .
Started in 2016, the Jack News provides a pragmatic look at political discussion with some satire. An independent journalistic endeavor, we have no ties to other media outlets or services. We write our own commentary and form our own opinions.
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